Human Rights of Religious Minorities in The Arab region

Autor principal:
Ahmed Janabi (university de granada)
Sesión 4, Sesión 4
Día: jueves, 11 de julio de 2019
Hora: 09:00 a 10:45
Lugar: Aula 002C

In the Arab world ,there are different human groups in terms of religion or sect, and every group tries to preserve its existence, its religious rites, and its rights guaranteed by the constitution within each country, international law and international conventions, this group is called (minority). The Arab region contains the oldest civilizations and religions in the world and it is a multi-ethnic place. So, religions have a lot of influence in Arab societies. And also this influence is obvious on political and social life and the behavior of the individual within society. there is a difference in the unequal rights among minorities in the Arab region at the political, legal and social level. The study also assumes that some dictatorships exploit religious minorities to implement political goals. The future of minorities in the Levant is linked to the great powers of the world (the United States of America, Russia) and some influential regional powers (Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia), which affect the Arab region in general and the minorities in particular.

Palabras clave: Human Rights, Religious Minorities, political violence.