Why Spanish working-class youths support participatory democracy? Addressing the biographical construction of preferences.

Autor principal:
Patricia García Espín (Universidad de Granada)
Sesión 4, Sesión 4
Día: jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2022
Hora: 11:00 a 12:45
Lugar: Aula R4 (30)

Many studies have addressed how different social sectors look at participatory democracy in different countries. In Spain, urban young people are more inclined to participatory solutions. Most researchers have relied on traditional variables such as age, education, place of residence or party affinities to understand these beliefs. However, investigations have rarely explored the biographical construction of these attitudes: that is, if they come from personal everyday experience, from historical experience, from abstract ideals, or just from survey induction. In this work, we depart from the analysis of thirty-one interviews with working class youths who supported participatory democracy, even if they were non-active in political terms.

Palabras clave: Democracia participativa, actitudes, clase trabajadora, jóvenes