Who wants to be James Bond?

Autor principal:
Antonio Manuel Díaz Fernández (Universidad de Cádiz)
Cristina Del Real (Leiden University)
Sesión 2, Sesión 2
Día: miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2022
Hora: 12:30 a 14:15
Lugar: Aula B4 (24)

The intelligence services compete with other public and private bodies to recruit the best candidates. However, the secrecy that has always surrounded their work makes it difficult to tease out aspects from them that are relevant to their decision making, such as salaries, working conditions, job descriptions, and organigrams. The members of the actual generation Z will be the next to fill the ranks of these public sector agencies for which reason greater familiarity with the new generation will guide the design of specific recruitment policies. In this study, based on a survey administered to 2,888 young people from 30 Spanish universities, some variables that are directly or indirectly associated with the desire of young people and, in particular, university students to work for the Spanish National Intelligence Centre are explored. The results pinpointed certain profiles of potential candidates and courses from which they are likely to emerge.

Palabras clave: Reclutamiento, Universidad, Centro Nacional de Inteligencia,

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