The basis of public support for EU intervention on rule of law

Autor principal:
Juan Antonio Mayoral Díaz-Asensio (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Aleksandra Sojka (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Sesión 4, Sesión 4
Día: jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2022
Hora: 11:00 a 12:45
Lugar: Aula 060

Member States’ courts played an important role in the process of legal integration by enforcing rights derived from EU law. However, the EU is recently struggling to make Member States engage in respecting the rule of law, which is considered crucial for the correct and uniform application of EU law. In this regard, governments in Eastern Europe, like Hungary and Poland, have increasingly attacked the rule of law and narrowed independence of their judiciaries. As a result, the EU reacted to contain illiberal practices and democratic backsliding by relying on diverse political and legal instruments. This intervention is being framed by populist parties to public opinion as an illegitimate intrusion of their sovereignty interfering with the will of the people that they represent. Hence, these measures might create unrest and become ineffective if EU institutions do not confront the necessity of earning public support in those countries, which substantiates the power of populist governments. In this paper, we will explore under which conditions the intervention of the EU is perceived as legitimate by Member States citizens.

Palabras clave: Unión Europea, Estado de Derecho, Opinión Pública