The European Commission and security governance: the role of a policy entrepeneur in the fight against cross-border threats

Autor principal:
Ana Paula Brandão (CICP-Universidade do Minho (Portugal))
Sesión 1
Día: miércoles, 15 de julio de 2015
Hora: 11:45 a 14:15
Lugar: Aula 19

The statecentric institutions demonstrate its limitations in a complex security environment characterized by multidimensional threats, and non-states actors, not only as threats sources but also as security suppliers. After the Cold War, the European Union assumed a role in responding to transboundary security problems that demand innovative forms of security governance.  The transnational nature of cybercrime requires a common approach that is challenged by several issues: threat perception; definition of crimes and sanctions; coordinated management by multiple and separated authorities;  public-private cooperation; balance between prevention and privacy; division of labour between the state, the main security provider, and the international organization, an emergent security actor. After decades of political and legislative initiative, the  European Commission today extends  its activism in the sensitive domain of security.  The paper analyses the Commission as a policy entrepreneur in the fight against cybercrime. What are the main features of the Commission’s approach to cross-border threats? Is that approach shaping a European security model? Is the Commission’s role evolving from policy entrepreneur to policy manager? The main import of the paper is to think critically the contribution of the European Commission to the configuration of the EU security governance.

[Paper in English. Oral presentation in Spanish.]

Palabras clave: EU, Commission, security governance, cybercrime