The Commission’s entrepreneurship: tracing the steps towards integrated maritime governance

Autor principal:
Isabel Anunciaçâo Camisão (Evora University)
Sesión 1
Día: miércoles, 20 de septiembre de 2017
Hora: 16:00 a 18:00
Lugar: Sala de Juntas

Europe’s maritime spaces and shores are crucial sources of well-being and prosperity. However, as the volume of activity directed to extract value from the sea was increasing, it became evident that the existent compartmentalized policy development and decision-making were no longer effective to prevent the conflicts of use and the deterioration of the marine environment. In 2007 the Commission proposed an Integrated Maritime Policy for the European Union (IMP), a governance framework aimed at coordinating all sea-related EU policies. Using as theoretical framework the Multiple Streams Approach, particularly the concept of “policy entrepreneur” (Kingdon 1984; 2003), the goal of this paper is to assess the importance of the Commission’s entrepreneurship to the edification of an integrated maritime governance. We will trace the Commission’s actions since 2005, in order to answer three empirical questions: Has the Commission contributed to problem definition? Has the Commission engaged in a softening up process? Has the commission seized the policy window to push its pet proposals forward?

Palabras clave: European Commission, Integrated Maritime Policy, Policy Entrepreneur, European Union