Dynamics of policy narratives: A computational linguistics approach

Autor principal:
Camilo Cristancho (Universitat de Barcelona)
Sesión 2, Sesión 2
Día: miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2022
Hora: 12:30 a 14:15
Lugar: Aula 061

Interest groups play a fundamental role in the definition of policy problems as they link multiple issue dimensions and provide information for policymakers. Numerous organizations express every day the concerns and demands of their constituents thus forging the narratives that shape the agenda for dealing with policy issues in multiple sectors. However, given the volatility of policy agendas and an emphasis on studying policy outcomes, it is difficult to follow the diversity and complexity of multiple actors and issues and more importantly, to understand their potential influence on the policy process. Using data from press releases of the 40 most salient interest groups, unions, and social movement organizations and parties in Spain between 2008 and 2021, this paper uses computational linguistics techniques to measure the degree in which the narratives and claims of interest group organizations are adopted by political elites on multiple issues across arenas in a longitudinal perspective. Results show that the adoption of interest group rhetoric varies by party ideology and status, interest group type and issue salience. The implications of the adoption of public narratives by elites are discussed in light of the agenda dynamics and policy narratives literatures. 

Palabras clave: Grupos de interés, influencia, políticas, narrativas, lingüística computacional