Cleavage-based affective dynamics: the capacity of the left-right and the ethnonational dimensions to promote Affective Polarization

Autor principal:
Daniel Balinhas (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Sesión 1, Sesión 1
Día: miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2022
Hora: 10:30 a 12:15
Lugar: Aula R1 (64)

How affective polarization takes form and develops in multidimensional political systems have been undertheorized. Apart from the left-right dimension, other important political conflicts might have also an impact on AP. Specially in multi-dimensional political systems, considering if and to what extent other sources of conflict can fuel AP, independently from the left-right dimension may be essential. In order to fill this gap, this paper examines the role of perceived polarization along the two main axis of political competition in Spain (the left-right dimension and the territorial one) in the shaping of individuals’ affective polarization. In spite of the allegedly ability of the left-right axis for synthetizing/absorbing any other political divisions, we find evidence that the perceived territorial conflict (center vs. periphery) also affects AP. Furthermore, the impact of perceived elite conflict along the left-right axis is much more powerful for left-leaning individuals. On the contrary, the national axis has more impact on right-leaners. We examine the link between elite polarization as perceived by citizens and individual-level AP as well as the moderating role of ideology using an 11-wave Spanish panel survey. Our results have potential implications for the understanding of the causes fueling AP in multinational democracies and for de-polarizing strategies and interventions.

Palabras clave: Affective polarization, Territorial divide, Ideological polarization, Panel data, Multidimensionality.