X Congreso de la Asociación Brasileña de Ciencia Política (2016)

Estimadas Asociaciones Hermanas,

Dear Partner Associations,

Chers Amis des Associations Partenaires.

The Tenth Congress of the Brazilian Political Science Association will be held in Belo Horizonte, between 30 August and 2 September 2016. It is our pleasure to invite you all, as well as your Association  members, to participate in this event.

The official website of the 10th Congress is: http://www.encontroabcp2016.cienciapolitica.org.br/site/capa

You can find a call for papers, posters and Special Sessions (with all rules and procedures) at:


This call is also available in Spanish (Convocatoria de trabajos):


Please note that Association members must present a letter of support of their national association (AFSP, APCP, AECPA, AMECIP, PSA, SAAP, SAAPS, etc.) in case they decide to submit a paper, a poster or a Special Session. We would be very thankful if you could disseminate this in your Association's website.

Please note that ABCP is also open to *proposals of partnership with each of its Sister-Associations in order to welcome PhD students* as we have done in the recent past with SAAPS, PSA, AFSP, for instance.

Looking forward to meeting you in Belo Horizonte next year.

Un saludo cordial,

Best regards,

Bien cordialement,

Carlos R. S. Milani

Secretary-General, ABCP
