Transcending or radicalizing cleavages? The electoral support for left-wing populist parties

Autor principal:
Carolina Plaza Colodro (Universidad de Salamanca)
Sesión 4, Sesión 4
Día: jueves, 8 de julio de 2021
Hora: 09:00 a 10:45
Lugar: Online

The Great Recession and other socio-political processes opened a new political space for left-wing populist parties (LPP). The electoral success of a distinctive left-wing populism in Europe - parties who politicize the denationalization process in socioeconomic terms and populist directions - raises new questions that are interesting for our understanding of the current transformations of European party systems. Although the profile of right-wing populist parties has been under investigation for years, the mere existence of LPP in Europe was “striking” until recently, letting their voters understudied. Recent studies show that LPP electoral support is motivated by political ideology and populist attitudes, being the socioeconomic issue positions the most important for LPP’s voters. Our study proposes a further examination of the impact of programmatic elements in line with the theories on the formation of libertarian and inclusive political preferences on voting for LPP.  Beyond the exploration of the core socio-structural features of LPP’s voters, we offer here an empirical test that takes a broader consideration of ideological elements, adding to economic issues redistribution (greed in Kitschelt and Rehm 2015’s terms), inclusiveness (group) and horizontal and participatory politics (grid) attitudes to assess how they relate to electoral support for LPP. Our hypotheses are examined cross-nationally from voter surveys conducted in Italy, Spain, Germany, and Portugal, countries that can be considered representative of the set of European countries in which LPPs are present. Our preliminary results point out that LPPs’ voters support economic equality and common good, horizontal governance and participatory politics, and are inclusive with immigrants and LGTB rights.

Palabras clave: Left-wing populism, electoral behaviour, political preferences, political attitudes