Symposium ‘Gender in European Political Science Education’

Se acaba de publicar el Symposium ‘Gender in European Political Science Education’ editado por Liza Mügge en European Political Science en el que está incluido el caso de España


Major changes have occurred in the teaching of gender since the shift from women’s studies to gender studies. In some institutions gender studies became a separate and interdisciplinary track within social sciences and humanities, while in others it either lacked integration or disappeared altogether. What do these developments mean for gender in political science curricula? In this symposium scholars from different European countries, including Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom reflect on the state of gender within political science education. This introductory essay places national experiences within a broader European perspective; highlighting that gender is virtually absent from much of the political science curriculum. Gender and political science courses suffer from issues of supply (rather than demand), such as the persistent under-representation of women academics within political science as well as tight budget constraints. We argue that this is problematic and that gender should be a core part of the political science curricula for three key reasons: (i) politics is about power and power is always gendered; (ii) embedding gender in the core of political science education may positively affect gender equality in the profession and politics; and (iii) it reflects the contemporary resurgence of feminist activism across Europe. We conclude with concrete recommendations about how institutions and individuals can help address the virtual absence of gender, including: the integration of gender-related courses in politics programs; Gender & Politics related awards; big data collection projects regarding women in the profession and gender and politics teaching; and the development of leadership courses for women in politics.

Table of Contents

introduction: gender in european political science education - taking stock and future directions

Liza Mügge, Elizabeth Evans and Isabelle Engeli

ending ghettoization? mainstreaming gender in spanish political science education
Alba Alonso and Emanuela Lombardo

lost in the mainstream? gender in dutch political science education
Saskia Bonjour, Liza Mügge and Conny Roggeband

gender and politics in the UK: banished to the sidelines 
Elizabeth Evans and Fran Amery

the gender gap in political science education in germany 
Gabriele Abels

austrian exceptionalism? insights from a huge department in a small country
Birgit Sauer