Summer School in Survey Methodology Universidad Pompeu Fabra

29 de Junio al 10 de Julio de 2015.


We would like to inform you that registration for the second edition of the Barcelona Summer School in Survey Methodology is possible till June 8th.

The school, organized by the Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology (RECSM) of the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain), will be held from 29 June to 10 July, 2015 and comprises 8 courses of 10 hours each.

First week (29 June – 3 July):

• Multilevel Modelling I, Introductory
(Instructors: Leonardo Grilli and Carla Rampichini);

• Multilevel Modelling II, Advanced
(Instructors: Leonardo Grilli and Carla Rampichini);

• Causal inference in non-experimental research using Structural Equation Modelling
(Instructor: Melanie Revilla);

• Structural equation modeling in longitudinal research
(Instructor: Yves Rosseel).

Second week (6 July – 10 July):

• Latent Class Analysis I (Introduction to Latent Class Cluster Analysis)
(Instructors: Jeroen K. Vermunt, and Margot Sijssens-Bennink);

• Latent Class Analysis II (Latent Class Models for Multilevel and Longitudinal Data)
(Instructors: Jeroen K. Vermunt, and Margot Sijssens-Bennink);

• Advanced Linear Regression.  Thinking Carefully About Regression Models
(Instructor: Levente Littvay);

• Implementing high-quality web surveys
(Instructor: Mario Callegaro).

The location of the courses will be the Ciutadella Campus located close to the beachfront and the centric and historical area of Born.

Students can select one or more courses to enrol in. The language of instruction for the courses will be English.