IPSA-Work-in-Progress Sessions (IPSA-WiPS)
Online Conference, 4-5-6 December 2024
As part of the celebrations of its 75th anniversary in 2024, IPSA is organizing a new type of conference to offer IPSA individual members a unique global opportunity to present and discuss in depth their research in progress. Each paper (work-in-progress papers - not necessarily completed or finished) will be presented and discussed in depth (up to 90 minutes), receiving fruitful, thorough, and systematic feedback from the panel’s discussants, participants, and chairs. IPSA-WiPS aim at becoming the seed for special issues, books, specialized research networks, or specific research project proposals.
This conference will be held on three consecutive days, for four hours each day simultaneously, for all panels regardless of time zones. IPSA-WiPS will provide an opportunity to participate in a global conference for those who cannot or prefer not to travel abroad. Participants are expected to actively engage in online discussions during the three days (four hours each day), beyond presenting and discussing their respective papers. This active commitment during the three sessions (and after reading all the panel papers) will ensure that each author receives rich, thorough, and systematic feedback on her/his respective paper. Active participants will receive an official IPSA certificate of paper presentation in IPSA-2024WiPS.
Once the deadline for paper proposal submissions is over, the panel chairs will select the papers, participants will be informed, and -after they register in WiPS- they will get access privileges to the online three-day sessions. The Sessions will take place on the Zoom platform, on 4-5-6 December (four hours each day according to the schedule below) in panels with a wide variety of topics, suggested by IPSA Research Committees and Executive Committee members. Each paper is to be addressed specifically to one of the WiPS panels available at https://www.wips2024.ipsa.org/simposio/public.
Deadline to submit paper proposals: 25 October 2024, 14:00 (Montreal time [UCT -4]).