Simposio “Quality and Professionalization of Politicians in Latin America”
Se realizará en el marco del próximo 54 Congreso Internacional de Americanistas “Construyendo Diálogos en las Américas”. Viena del 15 al 20 de Julio de 2012
Área temática 11: Politics and State Transformation/Política y Transformación del Estado
622 - Quality and Professionalization of Politicians in Latin America
Convener: Manuel Alcántara (University of Salamanca, Spain). Co-Convener: Kernecker, Theresa (University of Salamanca, Spain)
The purpose of this symposium is to inquire into the quality of politicians in contemporary democracies, both from the legislative and executive branches on the state, regional, and municipal level. Relevance of this subject corresponds to the relevant political actors in democratic regimes. On one hand, the relevance of political actors in the recent democratization process and the need for an analysis of leaders as strategic partners in the institutions, in particular legislative branch. The study of elites has taken an important position in political science because these strategies are important processes of dismantling authoritarian governments and the creation and formation of the game of the new democratic regimes. In this sense, the importance of leaders and political representatives has been increasing in the study of contemporary democracies. In particular, it is interesting to how legislators careers develop policies and processes of professionalization in terms of the opportunities offered by their immediate , environment and political structures. Therefore, due to the differing nature of democracy and political systems in Latin America, it is therefore interesting to enquire: Who are the actors that make the political decisions in Latin America? How does the quality and the professional character of the politicians influence in the Latin American contemporary democracies? Most importantly, How do we measure quality and professionalization in Latin America? The purpose of this symposium is to analyze the quality, professionalization and political paths of the politicians in various Latin American countries from a comparative perspective.
keywords: Latin America, political parties, politicians, professionalization, quality
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