Seminar ‘GenderSTE, Networking gender equality in Europe: policies and actions’:
seminar to be given by Professor Inés Sánchez de Madariaga at the IN3
Inés Sánchez de Madariaga, Director of the Women and Science Unit (UMYC) in the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, will visit the IN3 on 19 March 2013 to unveil the EU COST Action on Gender, Science, Technology and the Environment of which she is the Chairperson.
The action aims to remedy sex and gender bias in the fields of science, technology and environmental research, in order to promote more socially inclusive but also technically effective innovations. This new COST action is designed to advance knowledge of gender and science and technological developments, and to support the implementation of gender policies, through a network of policy makers and experts in these areas who will work together to improve understanding of gender issues and to advance gender equality.
Professor Sánchez de Madariaga is Director, Women and Science Unit, Cabinet of the Minister, Ministry of Science and Innovation. She is a Professor of Urban Planning at the Madrid School of Architecture, has been Visiting Scholar at the London School of Economics and Political Science, at Columbia University in NY, and Jean Monnet Visiting Professor at the Weimar-Bauhaus School of Architecture. She has also served as Deputy General Director for Architecture and Executive Adviser to the Spanish Minister of Housing. She is the Founder and Director of the first Spanish Research Group on Gender, Planning and Architecture, at the Madrid School of Architecture. She has authored 6 books and around 30 articles in specialised journals, including ‘Fair-share cities. The impact of gender planning in Europe’, Ashgate, 2012; "Esquinas inteligentes. La ciudad y el urbanismo moderno", Alianza Editorial, 2009, ‘Urbanismo con perspectiva de género’, Fondo Social Europeo-Junta de Andalucía, 2002, and ‘La práctica urbanística emergente en los Estados Unidos. Un análisis desde la perspectiva europea’, Universidad Carlos III-BOE, 1998.
The seminar is hosted by the IN3’s Gender and ICT research programme. The programme specialises in research into gender issues in science, technology and innovation, at Catalan, Spanish and EU levels. Our work covers the gender dynamics of science and technology education, employment, skills, careers and public policy making, and is closely connected with the work to be done under this COST action. We receive funding for our work from the Plan Nacional, the Instituto de la Mujer, and the European Union, among other sources.
Professor Sanchez de Madariaga’s seminar will take place on
19 March 2013 at 14.00
in the William Mitchell Room, Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3), Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, MediaTIC Building, Roc Boronat 117, Barcelona.
For more information, contact:
Ana Maria González Ramos
Gender and ICT Research Program Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
93 450 (5265)
MediaTIC (Roc Boronat, 117 C.P.08018 Barcelona)