Post-doc job opening on comparative project of political representation of immigrant-origin minorities in Europe, Univ. Bamberg

Post-doctoral position in the PATHWAYS project
PATHWAYS is a comparative research project on the political representation of citizens of immigrant origin in seven European democracies (France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands Spain, and the United Kingdom). It is funded by the British ESRC, the Dutch NWO, the French ANR and the German DFG under the Open Research Area (ORA) scheme. The principal investigators are Dr. Manlio Cinalli (Sciences Po Paris), Dr. Laura Morales (University of Leicester), Professor Thomas Saalfeld (University of Bamberg) and Professor Jean Tillie (University of Amsterdam). The project will start in May 2014 and will be coordinated from the University of Bamberg.
One three-year, fixed-term post-doctoral position to support Professor Saalfeld in the coordination of the project and participate fully in all aspects of the research process. The salary will be at spine point TV-L13 of the German public sector pay scale, which is the typical salary for an early-career lecturer/assistant professor in Germany.
The successful candidate is expected to hold a doctorate in political science or a congenial discipline, or be very close to completion. The successful applicant will be expected to relocate to Bamberg for the entire duration of the project. A working knowledge of German would be advantageous, but is not essential. Applications should include: a one-page cover letter explaining how your experience and qualifications match the needs of the project, a curriculum vitae and one single-authored writing sample (dissertation chapter, article or conference paper).

Further information on the positions can be obtained from Professor Saalfeld ( Interviews will be held at the end of February or beginning of March. The anticipated start date is 1 May 2014. Applications with a full CV and (if appropriate) a list of publications should be sent electronically to Mrs. Evelyn Roeder (

Please send only one single PDF file. The deadline for applications is 15 February 2014.