Position Announcement: Junior Assistant Professorships in Political Science, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Call The Department of Social Sciences at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid offers two positions for full-time tenure-track Assistant Professors (“Profesor Visitante”) in Political Science, beginning September 1st, 2016. We invite junior candidates with a Ph.D. degree from 2010 up to September 1st, 2016 and have verifiable research experience in Political Science (preferably in Comparative Politics, International Relations, or International Political Economy). They should be able to teach introductory and advanced political science courses in English during their contract period. In addition, the ability to teach quantitative methods related courses will be valued positively. The candidates may be requested to teach in Spanish after the third year of the contract. The position is offered on a six year basis with the last two years conditional on passing an interim assessment after the third year of contract and the final tenure assessment being made in the fifth year based on the Department’s promotion criteria. The annual salary is stipulated as equivalent to that of an Associate Professor (Profesor Titular). In 2014, the basic annual salary for this category is 32,218 Euros gross. Information about Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and the Department of Social Sciences can be found at http://www.uc3m.es and http://portal.uc3m.es/portal/page/portal/dpto_ciencias_sociales, respectively. Interested candidates should send the following documentation by e-mail: a cover letter a CV two letters of reference one copy/offprint of their most salient publication or research working paper (“job market paper”) (Candidates should also include a second piece of written work – this can be published work) to the Secretary of the Department, Esperanza Castro (ecalonso@pa.uc3m.es). The deadline for applications is January 10th, 2016. The Search Committee will request those short-listed to be available for the interviews and the presentation of a research paper at the Department personally or virtually as part of the selection process. For inquiries on documentation, process, promotion criteria, etc., please refer to Dr. Juan J. Fernández, Academic Secretary of the Department, jjfgonza@clio.uc3m.es http://portal.uc3m.es/portal/page/portal/dpto_ciencias_sociales/home/faculty/Juan%20Fernandez1