Political Studies Association (PSA) Postgraduate Network Annual Conference

Deadline: Today, 13 November 2013! The (PSA) Postgraduate Network will host its Annual Conference at Oxford University on December 12th, 2013. The conference will be an opportunity for graduate students to showcase and develop ongoing research, to develop presentation skills and to network beyond their area of specialisation. Due to the high level of interest, the deadline for paper and panel submissions has been extended until November 13. Proposals should be submitted through PSA's website (http://www.psa.ac.uk/conference/graduate-network-annual-conference-2013). The conference format will consist of themed panels. Any graduate student (Masters or PhD level) may organise a panel and we are keen to receive proposals for papers andpanels in any sub-field of political studies. Each panel will contain a minimum of three and a maximum of five papers (maximum 6,000 words). In order to take part in a panel you will need to be a member of the PSA. Only PSA members will be able to present their work, but membership is not required for submitting a proposal and for other attendees. Information on this conference and future PSA-PGN events will be available on the PSA Graduate Network website (http://www.psa.ac.uk/psa-communities/graduate-network). For any questions regarding the conference, please contact the PSA-PGN officers at pgn@psa.ac.uk