Número 33 de la revista UNISCI Discussion Papers

Estimado/a Sr./Sra.:
Tenemos el placer de anunciarle la publicación del número 33 de la revista UNISCI Discussion Papers. Puede acceder al texto completo de cada artículo en nuestra renovada página web: http://www.ucm.es/info/unisci
Dear Sir or Madam,
We are pleased to announce the publication of the 33th issue of the journal UNISCI Discussion Papers. The full text of every article is available at our redesigned website:

Revista UNISCI/UNISCI JOURNAL Nº 33 Octubre /October 2013


-Aleksi Ylönen,  Building a State without the Nation? “Peace-through-Statebuilding” in Southern Sudan, 2005-2011

-Sara de Simone, Post-conflict Decentralization:Dynamics of Land and Power in Unity State–South Sudan -Angela Impey, The Poetics of Transitional Justice in Dinka Songs in South Sudan

-Benedetta de Alessi. The CPA Failure and the Conflict in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile States

-Samson S. Wassara,Interests of Border Communities in Water and Pastures: Will They Influence Nile Water Policies of the Two Sudans?

-Amandine Gnanguênon.The Perpetuation of a System of Conflicts in Darfur,Caught Between Local Violence and Regional Disorder

-Volkert M. Doop, How to handle your neighbours’ conflict: Ethiopia’s relationships with Sudan and South Sudan

-Ibrahim A. Onour South Sudan Secession: Modelling the Fiscal Shock and Its Spillover Effects

-John A. Akec, Confederation: A better tool for good neighborliness´s and prosperous relationships between Sudan and South Sudan


Dan Tschirgi, Obama and the Middle East, Round Two Salma Yusuf, In Pursuit of 1 Sri Lanka: Lessons from a Malaysian Counterpart