Nuevo Seminario online IPP (CSIC): "Keeping up with living standards? Female Employment Status And Their Disposable Income In Post-industrial Economies"

Os invitamos a participar en el Seminario online del Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (IPP-CSIC) el miércoles 3 de febrero a las 12.00 hs (CET).

En esta ocasión, se presentará la ponencia "Keeping up with living standards? Female Employment Status And Their Disposable Income In Post-industrial Economies", a cargo de Ariane Aumaitre (EUI).

Abstract: The last decades have witnessed an unprecedented increase in women's economic independence through higher educational attainment, labor force participation and an increase in the share of female-led households. However, up to date there is a gap in the literature concerning how this increase in independence has translated into women's living standards, measured through disposable income. Using a RIF regression based decomposition, this paper unpacks the relationship between female labor force participation and their living standards, and the driving factors behind it. The analysis unfolds three stories regarding the relationship between increasing economic independence for women across developed economies and women's economic wellbeing. First, a story of emancipation for women at the top of the income distribution, who have seen an increase in their living standards. This is especially the case for highly educated women in dual earner couples. Secondly, a story of compensation and stability of living standards for women at the middle of the income distribution, whose entrance in the labor force manages to balance, at the household level, the decrease in male earnings witnessed during the last decades. And, finally, a story of undelivered promises for women at the bottom of the income distribution, who have experienced a relative loss in their economic wellbeing, especially when belonging to non-traditional family structures such as single mother households. From a welfare state perspective, the analysis suggests that traditional welfare regime classifications cannot fully explain differences in living standards among women.

Bio: Ariane Aumaitre es investigadora de doctorado en el Instituto Universitario Europeo de Florencia. Actualmente se encuentra realizando una estancia en en el Instituto de Políticas Públicas del CSIC. Previamente realizó un Máster en Análisis de Políticas Públicas Europeas por el Colegio de Europa en Brujas. Su tesis analiza la evolución del contrato social europeo durante las últimas décadas, con un enfoque centrado en el rol de los Estados de bienestar y su impacto redistributivo.

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ID de reunión: 978 0015 7196
Código de acceso: 929248
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