NOTICIAS: Mesas Redondas, Seminarios, Novedades editoriales, Cursos, Premios


  • La Acción popular a debate

17 de Mayo (miércoles), a las 17 h.

Salón de Actos del Consejo General de la Abogacía Española (Paseo de Recoletos,13, Madrid).

Mesa redonda en torno al tema: La acción popular a debate, organizada por Transparencia Internacional España con el fin de analizar el papel de esta figura jurídica en el actual marco legal y sobre todo en relación con la lucha contra la corrupción, de cara a que los ciudadanos puedan estar así más informados sobre esta importante materia.


D. Pablo Ruz (Juez), D. Alejandro Luzón (Fiscal), D. Nicolás Rodriguez (Catedrático Univ. Salamanca), D. Antonio Penadés (Acción Cívica), D. Carlos Castresana (Ex-Comisionado ONU contra la corrupción), como representante del Gobierno: Dña. Áurea Roldán (Subsecretaria de Justicia)

Modera:DJesús Lizcano (Presidente Transparencia Internacional España)

El aforo es limitado, si tienes interés en asistir, comunícalo a:


  • La participation sociale et politique des jeunes : Problèmes publics, représentations, contestations. IESA-CSIC (Cordoue, Espagne) et CJB (Rabat, Maroc)

Journées d’Études 28-29 Septembre 2017, CJB, Rabat

Appel à communication

Dates importantes:

Date limite de l’envoi des résumés : 31 mai 2017

Notification de l’évaluation des résumés : 15 juin 2017

Date limite de l’envoi des textes des communications : 4 septembre 2017


  • Terrorismo. Disección de la barbarie

Joan Antón-Mellón

Tibidabo Ediciones publica el libro Terrorismo. Disección de la barbarie, dentro de su Colección Actualidad, escrito por el doctor en Historia Contemporánea por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) y catedrático de Ciencia Política y de la Administración por la Universidad de Barcelona (UB) Joan Antón-Mellón. En el mismo se lleva a cabo un detallado y pormenorizado análisis del fenómeno terrorista desde diversos puntos de vista. Información


  • Bayesian Modelling Course. Barcelona 26th - 28th June 2017

Come to learn data analysis through Bayesian inference, 26th - 28th June in Barcelona!

With this course, you’ll  be able to do data analysis on a dataset of your own using Bayesian inference, with the following steps:

• Clean, prepare and arrange data before any analysis.

• Go from an equation specifying a concrete model to its representation in computer code.

• Obtain estimates of the parameters of interest.

• Graphically represent the results of the models and interpret the results

This course is of use to anyone (professional or academic) interested in doing research beyond limitations imposed by sample size.

More information about the course here

This course will take place within the framework of the Barcelona Summer School in Survey Methodology

You can contact for any question.


  • Call Nominations for the Holberg Prize 2018

The Holberg Prize is awarded for outstanding scholarly work in the academic fields of the arts and humanities, social sciences, law and theology. The deadline for nominations for the 2018 Holberg Prize is 15 June 2017.

The Holberg Prize was established by the Norwegian Parliament in 2003 and is awarded annually to a scholar who have made outstanding contributions to research in the arts and humanities, social science, law or theology. The prize may be awarded both for work within a particular academic discipline and for work of a cross disciplinary nature. The prize winner must have had a decisive influence on international research.

The Prize money value is NOK 4,5 million (approximately 495,000 EUR / USD 524 000*).The Holberg Prize Board awards the Prize at the recommendation of the Holberg Committee. The function of the nomination is to make the Committee aware of the candidate’s work. The Holberg Prize Laureate will be announced in March and the award ceremony takes place in Bergen, Norway, in early June.

Scholars holding positions at universities and other research institutions, including academies, are entitled to nominate candidates to the Holberg Prize. The nomination letter should be written in English and provide a statement of maximum 1 page justifying why the candidate should recieve the Holberg Prize. The nomination should also include the candidate’s CV and suggest at least three referees who know the scholar´s work.

The Holberg Committee particularly encourages nomination of established scholars below the age of seventy. Joint nominations do not strengthen a candidacy. Nominations are strictly confidential and should not be disclosed to the nominee or to others at any time. The deadline for nominations to the 2018 Holberg Prize is 15 June, 2017. We encourage that nominators use the online nomination form below. It is possible to save your progress and finish at a later point if needed.

Nominate a candidate for the Holberg Prize 2018

Nordic scolars under the age of 35 can be nominated to the Nils Klim Prize. Read more here.

For further information on how to nominate or the nomination process, please contact:

Hilde Marie Rognås, Project Manager Holberg Prize: