Noticias: Jornadas, nuevas publicaciones, congresos, cursos


  • II Noche en Blanco de Ciencias Políticas En Murcia 25 de abril

La Universidad de Murcia presenta la 2ª edición de “La Noche en Blanco”, acontecimiento cultural pionero en Ciencias Políticas

El evento se celebrará a lo largo de la madrugada del martes 25 de abril en la Facultad de Derecho, con más de una treintena de ponentes.

El próximo martes 25 de abril, entre las 21.30 de la noche y las 6.00 horas de la madrugada del miércoles, se celebrará en el Edificio Rector Sabater (Ronda de Levante, 10) de la Facultad de Derecho la “II NOCHE EN BLANCO".

Durante varias horas permanecerán abiertas cinco aulas permanentes para debatir y disfrutar cómo los modernos medios de comunicación de masas describen y presentan el mundo de la política, desde las series de televisión política (Juego de Tronos; Yes, Minister; The Visitor; House of Cards; Black Mirror, etc.) el cine o la literatura (de Patria, de Fernando Aramburu -reciente Premio de la Crítica- a la lucha contra el totalitarismo en la obra de Vasili Grossman o el feminismo político en la obra de Amélie Nothomb) hasta el uso y el impacto de la música en el activismo político, con el debate sobre  la influencia de la ópera en el nacionalismo pasando por el punk, la música independiente, el hip hop y el uso de la música en la comunicación política de campañas electorales. Sin olvidar, las interpretaciones políticas de la animación y los videojuegos modernos.

Un nutrido grupo de catedráticos y profesores disertará sobre estas influencias cruzadas entre las distintas artes, los modernos medios de comunicación de masas y la ciencia política. Simultáneamente, también se celebrarán dos conciertos, de las bandas SICK BRAINS y ÁNGEL CALVO. La asistencia será libre para el público en general.

Esta actividad tuvo su preludio con una fiesta de presentación el pasado día 20 de abril en la Sala Musik, en la que participaron algunas bandas de la región como KESSELS, EL NUEVO ACELERADOR o LA MANIOBRA DE Q.

Contacto y más información: Antonio Garrido. Vicedecano (




  • CIS Disponible el último número disponible de la REIS 158

Reis 158, último número disponible


  • Call for Bids - 2020 IPSA World Congress of Political Science

Dear colleague,

To select a new host city for the 26th World Congress of Political Science (July 2020), the International Political Science Association (IPSA) is opening a bid process to all IPSA Collective Members and invites them to submit a bid.

If your association is interested in hosting the 2020 IPSA World Congress of Political Science, please download a copy of the Request for Proposal (RFP) and related annexes and appendixes.

Please visit the IPSA Call for Bids - WC2020 page on the IPSA website to obtain detailed information and download the Request for Proposal (RFP).

The Call for Bids for WC2020 includes the following documents:

  • RFP: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL for the WC2020 (Bid Manual to host IPSA 2020 World Congress)
  • 5 Annexes (Provide additional guidelines for the bidder’s information):
  • 4 Appendixes (Must be filled out and returned along with bidder’s proposal):

The Call for Bids to host the WC2020 is open 21 April 2017 to 26 May 2017. Once three (3) host cities are shortlisted by the Bid Evaluation Committee (BEC), site visits will be organized in September-October 2017. The 2020 host city will be selected by the IPSA Executive Committee based on the recommendation of the BEC and announced in December 2017.

As per the IPSA Rules and Procedures, an application to host the Congress can be submitted by a national or regional political science association that is a collective member of IPSA, or by another body recognized by IPSA as an appropriate host organization (University campus, faculty, or department). When preparing their bid, we encourage our Collective members to get support a Destination Management Organization (DMO) such as the Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB).

IPSA will entertain requests for short extensions of the deadline provided that they are made prior to its expiration. Bidders anticipating a delay in submitting their bid proposal should contact IPSA at to negotiate a short extension.

Yours sincerely,

Guy Lachapelle, IPSA Secretary General


  • [ECPR-interest-groups] 8th ECPR Summer School on Interest Group Politics

Dear colleagues,

The 8th ECPR Summer School on Interest Group Politics will take place between June 29th and July 7th 2017 at the Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS). The summer school will focus on "Interest Group Politics and Policy-Making in the 21st Century". Through a variety of courses taught by renowned scholars, PhD and Research Master students will learn about different stages of the lobbying process involving interest group strategies and influence. The courses will provide participants with advanced training in the latest theoretical approaches and in cutting edge methods applied in the study of interest groups. Students will have the opportunity to present and discuss their own research to get feedback to the instructors and other students.

You can find information on the summer school program, the application requirements and the faculty here: The deadline for applications is May 15th 2017. Eligible candidates will be selected on a first-come-first-serve basis. Applicants are therefore encouraged to submit their application as early as possible. Feel free to contact us in case you have any questions - and please pass this email on to anyone who might be interested in the summer school!

Anne Rasmussen

University of Copenhagen. Faculty of Social Sciences. Department of Political Science