GENER - Cicle Seminaris Lliure accés al campus UAB (Edifici MRA)
17/01/24 a les 12:30h – sala de reunions de l'IGOP, MRA Montserrat Emperador (Maîtresse de conférences en Science politique Lyon 2 UFR ASSP) "De la PAH al projecte NOMAD-Outcome: entendre els efectes de les mobilitzacions de barri pel dret a l'habitatge". -----------------
23/01/2024 a les 13h sala de reunions de l'IGOP, MRA Manuel Alvariño ( + info ) i Llorenç Soler (+ info) (investigador pre-doctoral al European University Institute / Doctorand IGOP-UAB) "Politics of Welfare State"
"Framing the political debate: how party politics (des)politicizes and explains dissimilar minimum income reforms in Southern Europe." Llorenç Soler Discussant: Leire Rincón
"The Mediterranean pioneer: explaining Spain gender-targeted leaves through feminist strategies in favourable political and institutional conditions" Manuel Alvariño Discussant: Dani Marinova, IGOP-UAB -----------------
14/02/2024 a les 12:30h sala de reunions de l'IGOP, MRA Pieter Vanhuysse ( + info ) (PhD, LSE) "Do low-fertility European societies tax their own reproduction?"