News Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology (RECSM)

New short course

The online registration is now open for the course: Prediction of the quality of Survey questions using the program SQP: Improvement of questions and correction for measurement errors will be taught by Dr. Melanie Revilla, RECSM, on 17-18 November 2014 (in Spanish).

Deadline for registration is November 5, 2014.

More info and online registration: click here

 New ESS EduNet topic about Correction for Measurement Errors

This new module written by Anna de Castellarnau and Willem Saris, researchers at RECSM-UPF, illustrates that correction for measurement errors is not only necessary but also possible. Probably, the reason why most researchers do not correct for these errors in their analyses yet is because it is widely thought that the procedure for getting the quality estimates of all variables in the study is a rather costly and complex as it involves presenting similar questions to the respondents at least two times. However, this module provides a very simple procedure to correct for measurement errors using of the quality estimates obtained from the program Survey Quality Predictor (SQP). With this information the correlation and covariance matrices can simply be corrected and used as input for the analyses. This procedure is illustrated for regression analysis, causal models and models with complex concepts using LISREL, Stata and R.

The publication is available online at the European Social Survey Education Net (ESS EduNet) website. [Link]

Call for submissions to the SQP research paper award

RECSM and ESRA invite submissions of excellent papers that use the Survey Quality Predictor (SQP) to the SQP research paper award before 1 st March 2015. The winner will be announced at the 6th ESRA conference (13-17 July 2015, Reykjavik, Iceland). For more detailed information about the requirements, quality criteria and evaluation process, click here

For any questions about the courses and activities, feel free to contact us at

Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology

Edifici Mercè Rodoreda, 24 - Despatx 24.405. Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27 - 08005 Barcelona