New ESRC-funded Studentship in Party Organisation

A funded research studentship is available in the Department of Politics at the University of Sussex. This studentship is linked to a major international comparative project on how political party organisations shape democracy that is supported by the national research councils of the UK, USA and Germany. The project is co-directed by Professor Paul Webb, who will be the appointed student’s principal research supervisor.

In addition to conducting his or her own PhD research in the field of party organisation, the research student will play an important role as project research assistant. Duties will include assistance with literature searching, data gathering and input, analysis, website maintenance and sundry other organisational support tasks. The student will have the opportunity of working as part of an international team of party scholars.

Applicants must have a strong academic track record, including an ESRC-recognised Master’s in a relevant subject, and a viable proposal for a PhD thesis on party organisations.

Applications should be made directly to Professor Paul Webb, Department of Politics, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9RJ. Applicants must supply an academic CV and a covering letter. Contact details of two referees are required. The University will expect to see the official transcripts of marks and certificates for the candidate who is offered the studentship.

Informal enquiries may be directed to Paul Webb by email ( or telephone (01273 877796).

Deadline for applications: Friday 27 June

Funding Notes: The studentship is fully funded at Home/EU tuition fee rates for three years, to start in September 2014

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