Nationalist parties and voting in the Balearic Islands

Autor principal:
Pedro Riera (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Sesión 2
Día: miércoles, 15 de julio de 2015
Hora: 11:45 a 14:15
Lugar: Aula 11

This paper attempts to shed some new light on the electoral performance of nationalist parties in the Balearic Islands. The goals of the paper are twofold. First of all, I look at the evolution of the Balearic party system since the early 1980s by specially focusing on the electoral performance and policy proposals of the nationalist parties. Secondly, I develop a socio-demographic, ideological and political profile of the voters of nationalist parties in this region. In this sense, one of the aims of the piece is to explore the relative weight of regional identities in determining the vote for parties whose main focus is not Spain in the Balearic Islands. The main alternative explanation I will look at will be based on spatial models of electoral behaviour. All in all, combining insights from theories of national identity, spatial politics, and candidate-centred elections, this study provides the first comprehensive test of the determinants of the vote for nationalist parties in the Balearic Islands at the regional level. The findings indicate that voters with a stronger regional identity, that advocate further devolution, that place them on the left of the ideological continuum, and that consider the Socialist regional prime ministers but not the Conservative ones to be trustworthy are more likely to vote for these parties. However, the results also indicate that the effect of some of these factors is no consistent over time. In so doing, they illustrate the importance of taking into account the dynamics present in the platforms of the parties and their coalitional strategies.

Palabras clave: elecciones, partidos, autonomías, Baleares