Local government, public policy and ageing populations

Autor principal:
Alfonso Egea de Haro (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Carmen Navarro (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Sesión 2
Día: jueves, 21 de septiembre de 2017
Hora: 11:00 a 13:00
Lugar: Aula 0.2.

Modern societies are experiencing fast ageing processes of their populations that confront authorities with new and acute challenges. These changes have a special impact on local governments, the closest administration to citizens and generally the one that generally holds responsibilities in key issues affecting the elderly. 

Local authorities have been active in trying to meet these demands with different strategies, complementing the action of upper levels of government. On the one hand, as a way to prevent or delay situations of lack of personal autonomy, they have implemented policies belonging to the so-called “active ageing” concept, which include activities to keep the elderly -physically and mentally-  fit and socially engaged to the collectivity. On the other hand, they administer a broad quantity of public services such as care at home or in residences, measures to improve accessibility in households and in public spaces, or services for the families. 

The paper will examine the local action for the elderly in three steps and referred to municipalities in the region of Madrid. It first analyses the trends of social, economic and demographic variables in the region to build a typology of municipalities. It then analyses the programs and actions these municipalities. Based on own data from interviews with CEOs in eight municipalities, it finally explores the priorities, challenges and developments of local authorities in this field.  

Palabras clave: políticas de envejecimiento, gobierno local