Lecturer on global political economy, with possible focus on resistance studies (University of Gothenburg)

A job offering as senior lecturer in global political economy at the School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden at a department where you can focus on resistance studies. Please spread and apply. We need more people focused on resistance. 


Stellan Vinthagen, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 

/until Dec. I am based on Turtle Island (or United States of America), a guest on the First Nation Pocumtuc land.

Endowed Chair in the Study of Nonviolent Direct Action and Civil Resistance Professor of Sociology at UMass, Amherst umass.edu/sociology/users/vinthagen 

Senior Researcher in Sociology, Gothenburg University http://socav.gu.se/english/research/civil-society-and-social-movement-research 

Editor, Journal of Resistance Studies, http://resistance-journal.org 

Director, Resistance Studies Initiative, UMass, Amherst umass.edu/resistancestudies   

Steering group, Resistance Studies Network, resistancestudies.org 

International Council, War Resisters’ International, wri-irg.org 

Nonviolence and Peace Movements Commission, International Peace Research Association (IPRA), http://ipranonviolence.org/home 

LATEST BOOK: A Theory of Nonviolent Action - How Civil Resistance Works (2015)


BLOG on resistance: http://blogs.umass.edu/vinthagen/

Academia: https://umass.academia.edu/StellanVinthagen  

CONTACT (until Dec): 

Office at Umass: +1 (413) 545-4072, Thompson, Room 706 (Hours: Mon 9-12)

Department of Sociology, 200 Hicks Way, Thompson Hall, University of Massachusetts, MA 01003-9277, Amherst, USA

Home: 120 Pulpit Hill Rd, Unit 16, 01002 Amherst, MA

Cell in the US: +1 (413) 801-9555

Skype: stellan.vinthagen

(Traveling during Dec-March. Based in Sweden April-Aug: Sparsnäs 920, 668 91 Ed)