Jobs-Call_2 year contract- Search For candidates- Science and innovation studies

Search for Candidates

2-year Research Contract in Science and Innovation Studies


Department of Science and Innovation

Systems and Policies of Research and Innovation (SPRI) Group

The Department of Science and Innovation of the Institute of Public Goods and Policies (IPP) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) offers a 2-year research contract in the field of science and innovation studies.

The successful candidate will take part in the project “Public research centers: organizational models, institutional incentives and individual careers”, aiming to study the characteristics, evolution and performance of public research institutions and their researchers and how they are conditioned by organizational models and institutional incentives.

The work to be developed, together with other members of the research team, involves the systematic analysis of regulations and institutional features, the construction of a database and the identification of relevant indicators, towards the elaboration of a conceptual and empirical framework for the comparative analysis study of different public research institutions in Spain and other European countries. The project is going to be developed in the context of a broader activity of an EU funded project RISIS (Researcher infrastructure for research and innovation policy studies).

The position is for a two-year period, preferably starting from October/November 2014 up to end of 2016 (Negotiable) and with opportunities of renewal. The proposed salary at the 2014 level is 26,700 Euros gross per year, about 1,900 euros per month in 14 salaries.

The position is open for European Union nationals and non-EU nationals.

Candidates should hold an advanced degree in Economics or related Science and Innovation Studies (Master’s or PhD), with substantial knowledge of Statistics and Econometrics. Research experience, publication record and data management skills will be considered as an advantage.

Interested candidates should contact the principal investigator of the project, Luis Sanz-Menéndez (, before 22 September 2014.

Applications should include: a Curriculum Vitae (with publication and research record and copy of some previous work in the area if available) and letter of motivation indicating availability, and, optionally, some references.