Job offer Postdoc Frankfurt

Institute of Political Science, Department of Social Sciences

Postdoctoral Fellowship (BAT IIa, E 13 TV-L)

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral fellowship, starting January 1st 2013, lasting 3-6 years.

The fellowship is open to individuals of all nationalities. The post-holder will be part of a research cluster headed by Professor Brigitte Geissel, chair of German and European politics.

(More information can be found at: http://www.gesellschaftswissenschaften.unifrankfurt. de/institut_2/bgeissel/forschung/index.html.) The fellow should work on democratic innovations, broadly conceived. Applicants whose research is empirical and comparative are especially welcome.


 To engage in independent advanced study and research;

 To publish research results regularly in scholarly and other forms;

 To support the activities of the research cluster on Democratic Innovations: this includes working on funding applications, international networking, and promotional activities;

 To teach, supervise, and advise students (B.A. and M.A.), which includes responsibility for student examination;

 To assume administrative tasks.


The post-holder will receive a starting salary of 3,200 Euro per month (or higher depending on experience). The term of the contract is 3-6 years. Hessen Law accounts for the contract’s time limitation (“Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetzes”). The start date is April 1st 2013 or later.

Personal office space will be provided in the Institute of Political Science. (For further information on BAT IIa, E 13 TV-L, see


 Completion of a doctorate in a relevant discipline;

 Thorough knowledge of current theories of democracy;

 Advanced skills in quantitative methods;

 Proven experience in theory-driven, empirical research on democratic innovations;

 Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English;

 Basic knowledge of German;

 Experience of and commitment to working in a team;

 Evidence of motivation and reliability.


Applicants must submit the following:

1. Up-to-date CV;

2. Cover letter;

3. Two-page summary of current and planned research.


The closing date for applications is 17:00 CET on December 31, 2012. Completed applications should be emailed to the Dean of the Department of Social Sciences, referencing code number 33/2012: