IPSA World Congress of Political Science. Panel "Issues and challenges of leadership as crucial foundation of governance"

Coordinado por el Prof. José Manuel Canales Aliende (Catedrático de Ciencia Política y de la Administración de la Universidad de Alicante), en el marco del Congreso Mundial de Ciencia Política (Montréal, julio 2014).

Las propuestas, deberán ser tramitadas, antes del 6 de octubre, accediendo a través del siguiente enlace: https://www.ipsa.org/events/invitation/respond/MjkzNjEuMTY4NQ%253D%253D

Issues and challenges of leadership as crucial foundation of governance

Congress Theme: 

CS03 Public Policy Analysis and Administrative Science

CS04 Comparative Politics and Institutions

Contemporary governance is submitted to a huge range of challenges that requires a specific analysis from the particular perspective of leadership. Thus, the panel includes researchers and professors of the most high quality and specialization on leadership, Administrative Science, Public Management and Public Policy Analysis, from the greatest specialized schools and universities of Spain. Specifically, the panel will deal with the crucial role that the profile and capacity of political and bureaucratic leaders implies in the management and Good Governance of contemporary social, institutional and political problems and challenges.

From several static and bureaucratic paradigms of Public Administration, and considering models related to the concepts of gouvernabilité and governance, the most recent researches and trends of though in Public Policy Analysis and Administrative Science, highlight the importance of take into account issues as: the ethical profile, the formative background, as well as the professional training and capability of leaders and political elites. Concretely, these prerequisites are especially important in a context of an economic, ethical and institutional crisis, circumstances that require particular profiles and abilities linked to a specific leadership, and associated with concrete competences related to the management of risk and austerity contexts.