IPSA-RC22 “International Conference on Political Communication”
Granada, Spain
12th and 13th September, 2013
We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the forthcoming International Conference of Political Communication organised by the Research Committee for Political Communication (RC22) of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) with the support of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, and the University of Granada (Spain), and the Spanish Association of Political Science and Public Administration (AECPA), under the tittle of “Political Communication in times of crisis”. The conference will be hosted by THE UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA IN THE CITY OF GRANADA(*), SPAIN.
CALL FOR PAPERS: Scholars, researchers and also professionals are encouraged to submit a paper proposal dealing with broad or specific issues as to political communication, addressing national or comparative studies, theoretical or empirical researches, journalism, political marketing, policy developments, new media, or related issues.
Paper submission deadline: 1st June, 2013.
Paper acceptance communication: 10th June, 2013.
Registration deadline: 30th July, 2013.
Final paper delivery: 31th August, 2013.
Conference: 12th and 13th September, 2013.
PROPOSALS: Abstracts (200 to 300 words) will be send to (ogluengo@ugr.es) up to 1st June, should be in English language and include the following information:
Institution and position
Academic level
Three key words
The full paper will be sent to ogluengo@ugr.es up to 31st August, and will be in English language, pdf format, and using APA quoting format.
REGISTRATION: 120 €: includes delegates fees, refreshments, lunches, dinner and visit to Alhambra.
LOCAL ORGANISER: Óscar Luengo (Chair of the RC22),
ogluengo@ugr.es 2