[IPSA Newsletter] November 2016

  • IPSA News

Establishment of IPSA Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Freedom

To follow up on the pledge IPSA President Ilter Turan made before the IPSA Council at the Poznan IPSA World Congress of Political Science, we are pleased to announce the establishment of an ad hoc committee to monitor violations of academic freedom held by political scientists around the world.

The information provided by this committee would constitute the basis upon which IPSA would shape and implement its policy on academic freedom and violations thereof.

With the help of national associations, committee members will monitor violations of academic freedom, with special attention on political scientists in their respective regions. They will draft reports in as much detail as possible and forward them to the chair of the committee. The chair of the IPSA committee will then search for further information (i.e., the facts and the nature of violation), confirming that a violation has occurred and that it constitutes a violation of academic freedom before deciding on a course of action. The final report will then be tabled before the IPSA Executive Committee, which will determine the course of action.

Please remember the following:

a) IPSA does not take positions on substantive issues or engage in actions that could be construed as interference in the domestic affairs of a country;

b) Our focus is limited to redressing violations of academic freedoms held by scholars, and not broader questions of democracy and human rights in a country. This is not to say that we are not concerned about these questions as individuals, scholars or human beings; simply put, it means we are a professional organization with a specific set of goals and responsibilities, and we will continue to respect those boundaries. Two sets of behaviours will be deemed clear violations of academic freedom:

 i) Banning the study or teaching of certain subjects; impeding the actual research process or teaching of those subjects; interfering with the writing and publicizing of research findings and/or their incorporation into teaching materials; and banning speakers or the organization of academic conferences on specific subjects;

ii) Penalizing academics who have expressed their ideas as citizens by terminating their employment or taking other measures to impose deprivations on their professional life.

c) In working to encourage respect for academic freedom, we are guided by the following considerations:

i) Our actions should not lead to the application of further sanctions on those whose rights have been violated;

ii) The safety and security of those who have helped identify violations, establish facts etc. should not be compromised;

iii) Our actions should be oriented towards achieving results rather criticizing governments that violate academic freedom. As an example, it is better to use calm rather than confrontational language in communicating our viewpoints and concerns.

In accordance with these guidelines, if you would like to see IPSA encourage governments to uphold the academic freedom of political scientists, particularly in your country, we encourage you to contact your national association. Reports must contain sufficient and accurate information, with as much detail as possible. Your national association will then decide if it wishes to proceed and follow up with the IPSA committee on academic freedom.

Let’s work together to help our colleagues around the world who need our support to fully enjoy their academic freedom.

New Membership Features for 2017: Global South Membership Category

IPSA is in the process of renewing individual memberships for the year 2017.

We’re pleased to announce that a new membership category has been created in order to help our colleagues from the Global South join our international community of political scientists by offering them drastically reduced membership fees and thus supporting IPSA’s mandate to be an inclusive global presence and promote the continued development of political science on the international stage.

From now on, citizens from low- and lower-middle income countries will have access to a new membership category titled the Global South Membership. The list of eligible countries is available at http://www.ipsa.org/membership/individual/global_south_category

Global South Membership rates will be as follows:

Global South Membership 2017-2018

Regular 2-years

US$ 80

Senior 2-years

US$ 30

Student 1-year

US$ 5

Student 2-years

US$ 10

These rates represent significant discounts ranging from 53% to 89% off the regular membership price.

We sincerely hope that academics from these countries will take advantage of these incentives to join our international community of political scientists.

And please share the good news with your networks!


New Membership Benefit - 30% Off MIT Press titles

International Relations and Security Studies at The MIT Press—30% off for IPSA members!

The MIT Press is pleased to offer IPSA members a standing 30% discount on all MITP international relations and security studies titles.

To benefit from this discount, access the discount code available in the Status and Benefits page of your profile at  http://www.ipsa.org/my-ipsa/membership/status . Use this code when prompted during checkout on the MIT Press website at mitpress.mit.edu/security.

While only applicable to titles purchased directly from The MIT Press, this code can be used more than once, for multiple copies, and for both print and e-editions.

Happy reading from The MIT Press!

A New Frontier for Online Education

An extraordinary new teaching opportunity!

IPSAMOOCs are available at no charge for all teachers intent on bringing innovation to the classroom experience.

“Adopting” a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) enables teachers to transform their “on-campus” course through a new integrated approach. According to the so-called “flipped classroom” model, teachers can use all or part of a MOOC content as a Web companion to their lectures. This allows teachers to devote class time to discussions on topics that students have studied online in greater depth.

Every class can become a seminar rather than a lecture. Moreover, if teachers who choose to use an IPSAMOOC are IPSA members, they can request a special access code for students that allows for closer monitoring of and interaction with students involved in online activities.

IPSAMOOCs are also available for direct student access.

Political science students worldwide have a unique opportunity to enrol in a pilot set of political science courses given by outstanding IPSA academics.

The first six IPSAMOOCs began at the end of July, and enrolment is still open. All IPSSAMOOCs are offered free of charge.

If you haven’t started yet, it’s not too late! Enrol now and start working at your own pace. Course materials will remain available after the course ends in order to allow students to complete their course of study.

IPSA members can enrol using the special code received by email. By registering via the course code, applicants are entitled to receive an IPSA certificate of course attendance upon completion of their MOOC. After registration, students will have access to all lessons published to date, as well as others as they become available online.

If you do not have your code, please retrive it in the IPSA online account section marked "My Membership"/"Status & Benefits."

Join us in this challenging new learning experience!

Welcome aboard!

For further information, please write to ipsamooc@federica.eu

2017 Singapore IPSA Summer Schools

The 6th Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods will be held once again at the National University of Singapore from June 19 to 30, 2017. It will offer a wide variety of quantitative, qualitative, and formal methods courses taught by highly experienced international faculty, and provide participants with rigorous, hands-on training in state-of-the-art research methods.

The registration will open in early 2017. For further information on courses and instructors, financial aid, early registration discounts and more, visit our website (http://methods-school.nus.edu.sg) or contact us at methods-school@nus.edu.sg

What’s New on the IPSAPortal?

News from the IPSAPortal:

1. Looking at the distribution of opinions in the two weeks leading up to the presidential election, it is possible to identify some elements of the “winning” electoral agenda. The “very big” problems for Trump voters were illegal immigration and terrorism, followed by job opportunities, including for working-class Americans. Clinton voters, meanwhile, identified the leading problems as climate change, gun violence and the gap between rich and poor, followed by racism and sexism. The full report, “A Divided Pessimistic Electorate,” is available on the Pew research website. (Research Institutes on the IPSAPortal)

2. Attention to exit polls often focuses on their efficacy in forecasting electoral results. The New York Times has cited the secondary aim of such an analysis. For a more in-depth analysis, see the article and consult the graphs. (Media Sources on the IPSAPortal)

3. Big data is an increasingly important component of electoral campaign analysis. The most recent innovation was introduced by Cambridge Analytica, a controversial company with British roots whose CEO, Alexander Nix, announced a massive private data survey showing greater support for Trump than small-sample opinion polls suggested. Based on “psychographic” data-mining techniques, this method – which has sparked considerable discussion – is supposed to predict not just the intentions and preferences of voters, but also their personality types. It constitutes an interesting experiment for electoral campaign analysts and observers. (Media Sources on the IPSAPortal)

  • Political Science News

ISSC & ICSU Members Vote to Pursue a Merger

World’s top bodies representing the social and natural sciences vote to pursue a merger, forming a single organization representing all social and natural sciences by 2018

At a landmark joint General Assembly of two leading international science councils, their members voted to merge, launching a process to form a single global entity that represents all social and natural sciences.

Oslo, 24 October 2016 – At an extraordinary General Assembly of the International Council for Science (ICSU) and a General Assembly of the International Social Science Council (ISSC), the two organizations’ members voted overwhelmingly that the two organizations should merge. This in-principle decision followed a recommendation by the two organizations’ executives, setting the two councils on a trajectory to become one by October 2018.

For more, go to http://www.ipsa.org/news/news/issc-icsu-members-vote-pursue-merger

  • Books by Members

The Trade and Culture Debate - Evidence from US Trade Agreements

By Gilbert Gagné. More information

Urban Governance in Karnataka and Bengaluru: Global Changes and Local Impacts

Edited by Anil Kumar Vaddiraju, Satyanarayana Sangita and Kala Seetharam Sridhar. More information ...

Méthodes de la science politique - De la question de départ à l'analyse des données

Par Ramona Coman, Amadine Crespy, Frédéric Louault, Jean-Frédéric Morin, Jean-Benoit Pilet and Emilie van Haute. Plus d'information ...

  • Join our social network pages:

Upcoming Events

(November- January):

IV Seminar on State's Law: “Globalization and the Grounds of Citizenship”  22-25 November, 2016 Sao Paulo, Brazil

New Pressures on Cities and Regions 24-25 November, 2016 London, United Kingdom

The third Online Conference of Armenian Researchers and Students in China 27 November, 2016 Online, China

26th General Conference - International Peace Research Association (IPRA) 27 November-1 December, 2016 Freetown, Sierra Leone

11th Annual Minerva-ICRC International Conference on Contemporary Challenges in International Humanitarian Law 28-29 November, 2016 Jerusalem, Israel

3rd GESIS Computational Social Science Winter Symposium 2016 30 November-1 December, 2016 Cologne, Germany

MetaPol 2016: Metaphors and political discourse 1-2 December, 2016 Liège, Belgium

Oxford Symposium on Population, Migration, and the Environment 5-6 December, 2016 Oxford, United Kingdom

Workshop on the Occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People: Human Rights and Intifada 8 December, 2016 Tehran, Iran

Inequality and Fairness of Political Reforms 8-9 December, 2016 Mannheim, Germany

Interdisciplinary Workshop- Administrations of Memory 9 December, 2016 Paris, France

Colloque international - Le malheur militant 12-13 December, 2016 Lille, France

12th Annual Graduate Conference in Political Science, International Relations & Public Policy in Memory of Yitzhak Rabin 14-16 December, 2016 Jerusalem, Israel

The Moral Status of Discrimination and its Legal Implications 14-16 December, 2016 Jerusalem, Israel

The Responsible Party Model in Times of Dealignment 19-20 December, 2016 Leuven, Belgium

II Braga Colloquium in the History of Moral and Political Philosophy: “Lying and Hypocrisy in Politics and Morality” 12-13 January, 2017 Braga, Portugal

88th Annual Conference - Southern Political Science Association 12-14 January, 2017 New Orleans, United States

The 10th Annual Conference on The Political Economy of International Organizations 12-13 January, 2017 Bern, Switzerland

2017 CESS Asia Experimental Summer School 16-17 January, 2017 Maharashtra, India

8th Annual IPSA-USP Summer School on Concepts, Methods and Techniques in Political Science 23 January-10 February, 2017 São Paulo, Brazil

Winter School on Federalism and Governance 2017 30 January-10 February, 2017 Innsbruck, Austria

Call for Papers

National Conference On Good Governance: Then, Now and Beyond 4-5 February, 2017. Odisha, India. Deadline: 25 November, 2016

La francophonie constitue-t-elle vraiment l’univers des politologues francophones? 17-19 May, 2017 Montreal, Canada . Deadline: 25 November, 2016

The 10th Annual New York University-Center for Experimental Social Science Conference 24-25 February, 2017 New York, United States. Deadline: 27 November, 2016

European Public Choice Society Annual Meeting 2017 19-22 April, 2017 Budapest, Hungary. Deadline: 30 November, 2016

Workshop: Public Opinion, Foreign Policy and the use of Force in Turbulent Times 25-30 April, 2017Nottingham, United Kingdom. Deadline: 1 December, 2016

Implications of Behavioural Policy Making in Health Promotion 28-30 June, 2017 Singapore, Singapore. Deadline: 15 January, 2017

AUCiP – ALACIP 9th Latin American Congress of Political Science 26-28 July, 2017
Montevideo, Uruguay. Deadline: 15 January, 2017

Bringing Politics to The Analysis of Performance Measurement Programs: Case and Comparative Studies in Health Policy 28-30 June, 2017 Singapore, Singapore. Deadline: 15 January, 2017

RC19 Sponsored Panel: Gendered Innovations in Public Policy Research 28-30 June, 2017 Singapore, Singapore. Deadline: 15 January, 2017

Research Committee 9 (Comparative Judicial Studies) - Comparative Judicial Studies at the Crossroads: Mapping New Research Agendas and Exploring New Paths 25-27 June, 2017 Irvine, United States. Deadline: 19 January, 2017

IPSA RC44 Conference on Democratization and the Military 4-5 July, 2017. Christchurch, New Zealand. Deadline: 31 January, 2017

IPSA Joint Conference RC14, RC28, RC13: Democratization and Constitutional Design in Divided Societies 24-27 June, 2017 Nicosia, Cyprus. Deadline: 31 January, 2017

TICTeC 2017: The Impacts of Civic Technnology Conference 25-26 April, 2017 Florence, Italy. Deadline: 10 February, 2017

L’élection présidentielle de 2017 et ses primaires : enjeux de communication politique Paris, France. Deadline: 15 February, 2017

  • Call for Papers (Journal)

Optimizing the Institutional Design of Scientific Advisory Committees for Quality, Salience, and Legitimacy Deadline: 25 November, 2016

Slovak Journal of Political Sciences Deadline: 15 December, 2016

Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation Deadline: 31 December, 2016

Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada Deadline: 31 December, 2016

Media in the Circumpolar Region – A Comparative Perspective Deadline: 15 January, 2017

Politics and Governance Deadline: 31 January, 2017

Perspectivas – Portuguese Journal of Political Science Deadline: 15 February, 2017

  • Job, Fellowship & Internship Offers

Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Political Science with a Specialism in Political Economy and/or Experimental Research Oxford, United Kingdom

Assistant Professor of Economics Leiden, Netherlands

Assistant professor in Political Science, in particular Comparative Politics Amsterdam, Netherlands

Chichele Professorship of Social and Political Theory in association with All Souls College Oxford, United Kingdom

Professor of Public Policy Berlin, Germany

Assistant Professor Bloomington, United States

Assistant/Associate Professor of Political Science and International Studies, National Security Berea, United States

Lecturer and Tutor Lüneburg, Germany

Senior Roles at Institute for Social and Economic Research - Four Leadership Positions Open for Application Essex, United Kingdom

Open Rank up to Tenured Full Professor in Middle East-Asia Studies Singapore, Singapore

Assistant/Associate Professor of Data Science, Tenure-Track/Tenured New York, United States

One Year of Research Support at the Freie Universität Berlin Berlin, Germany

Senior lecturer in Peace and Development Research with a focus on Global Political Economy Gothenburg, Sweden

Tenure-Track Position in Political Science, Specializing in Human Rights Montreal, Canada

2017 O’Brien Graduate Fellowships Montreal, Canada

Assistant Professor - International Relations Barcelona, Spain

Postdoctoral Fellowships Evanston, United States

Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies Postdoctoral Fellowship East Lansing, United States

Part-time Academic Position - China and the World Brussels, Belgium

Individual Research Visits to EUROLAB Cologne, Germany

  • Awards

2017 Sakıp Sabancı International Research Awards: Europeans with Legacies from Turkey in Everyday Life Deadline: 16 January, 2017

  • Quick Link:

IPSA Website

IPSA Portal

International Political Science Review

International Political Science Abstracts

World Political Science

International Political Science Association
General Information:
Phone: +1 514 848 8717 - Fax: +1 514 848 4095 - Email: info@ipsa.org
1590, av. Docteur-Penfield, bureau 331
Montréal (QC) H3G 1C5

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