IPSA News November-December 2015

Newsletter International Political Science Association/Association internationale de science politique

2016 Membership Renewal: Enjoy a Discount!



2016 Istanbul World Congress of Political Science: Review Process for Papers Submissions & Research Methods Courses (RMC)


The IPSA Secretariat to Remain in Montréal until 2020


Places Still Available for Sao Paulo Summer School 2016


What’s New on the IPSAPortal?


RC51 Launched its New Website!


International Political Science Review(IPSR) - Volume 36, Number 5, November 2015


IPSA RC33 Presents the Global Study on the Development of Political Science


  • Books by Members

The Presidentialization of Political Parties Organizations, Institutions and Leaders


Regional Peacemaking and Conflict Management - A Comparative Approach


Les démocraties européennes - Institutions, élections et partis politiques


  • Upcoming Events(December-February)

IAPSS Study Trip to Berlin

1-5 December, 2015Berlin, German

International Conference on Elections and Political Parties in South Asia : A 21st Century Perspective

7-9 December, 2015

Kolkata, India

11th Annual Graduate Conference in Political Science, International Relations and Public Policy in Memory of the Late Yitzhak Rabin

8-11 December, 2015

Jerusalem, Israel

Helsinki 40 Years After: International Reordering and Societal Change, 1975-1990

10-12 December, 2015

Paris, France

Campaigning and Voting in Europe: New Challenges, New Perspectives
14-16 December, 2015

Paris, France

Colloque international et interdisciplinaire - Discours d’Europe, discours sur l’Europe Quand polémiques et controverses s’en(m)mêlent…

17-18 December, 2015

Bruxelles, Belgium

Colloque des jeunes chercheurs 2016 - Le Québec dans les Amériques

15-16 January, 2016

Washington D.C., United States

IPSA-USP Summer School in Concepts, Methods and Techniques in Political Science

18 January-5 February, 2016

São Paulo, Brazil

Swiss Political Science Association Annual Convention - The Crisis in Ukraine: Reactions of the International Community

21-22 January, 2016

Basel, Switzerland

Australian & New Zealand Studies Association of North America Annual Meeting

4-6 February, 2016

Winter Park, United States

2016 APSA Teaching and Learning Conference - Rethinking the Way We Teach: High-Impact Methods In the Classroom

12-14 February, 2016

Portland, United States

International Workshop on Designing Governance for Policy Effectiveness

25-26 February, 2016

Singapore, Singapore

  • Call for Papers

70th Annual Conference of the New York State Political Science Association

22-23 April, 2016

New Paltz, United States

Deadline: 1 December, 2015

Pre-IPSA Workshop on “Contentious elections, conflict and regime transition”

23 July, 2016

Istanbul, Turkey

Deadline: 1 December, 2015

Le pluralisme par ses concepts : entre normes, valeurs et enjeux sociétaux

19-21 May, 2016

Québec, Canada

Deadline: 1 December, 2015

Les idées, le discours et les pratiques politiques au prisme de l’analyse des données textuelles
19-21 May, 2016

Québec, Canada

Deadline: 1 December, 2015

6th EPSA Annual General Conference

23-25 June, 2016

Brussels, Belgium

Deadline: 11 December, 2015

Youth Political Participation: The Diverse Roads to Democracy

16-17 June, 2016

Montreal, Canada

Deadline: 14 December, 2015

Second WINIR Symposium

4-6 April, 2016

Bristol, United Kingdom

Deadline: 31 December, 2015

15th International Conference of Australian Studies in China - Australia in the World: Past, Present and Future

8-10 July, 2016

Beijing, China

Deadline: 31 December, 2015

Electoral Integrity Project Varieties of Democracy Institute - Pre-APSA Workshop

31 August, 2016

Philadelphia, United States

Deadline: 8 January, 2016

Sociétés en mouvement, sociologie en changement - XXe Congrès international des sociologues de langue française

4-8 July, 2016

Montréal, Canada

Deadline: 15 January, 2016

Strengthening integrity through electoral reforms

7-10 September, 2016

Prague, Czech Republic

Deadline: 18 January, 2016

Colloque EUREL 2016 - Gouvernance et religion en Europe

29-30 September, 2016

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Deadline: 31 January, 2016

21st Central European Political Science Annual Conference

3-4 June, 2016

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Deadline: 5 February, 2016

  • Call for Papers (Journal)

Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation

Deadline: 31 December, 2015

Political and Military Sociology - An Annual Review

Deadline: 31 December, 2015

De Política

Deadline: 1 January, 2016

Slovak Journal of Political Sciences

Deadline: 15 January, 2016

Politeia - South African Journal for Political Science and Public Administration

Deadline: 29 February, 2016

  • Job, Fellowship & Internship Offers

Assistant Professor, Global Political Economy

Calgary, Canada

Assistant Professor of International Affairs and Security

Berlin, Germany

O’Brien Graduate Fellowships in Human Rights and Legal Pluralism

Montreal, Canada

Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Employment, Equity, and Growth (EEG) Research Group

Oxford, United Kingdom

Research Fellowships

Toulouse, France

Full-Time Permanent Assistant Professorship in Sociology

Dublin, Ireland

Junior Assistant Professorships in Political Science

Madrid, Spain

Two Full-Time Tenure-Track Positions in Political Science/International Relations

Barcelona, Spain

Postdoctoral Fellowships

Singapore, Singapore

Mellon-CES Dissertation Completion and Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowships

New York, United States

Faculty Fellowship - The Summer Institute for Israel Studies at Brandeis University

Waltham, United States

Graduate Programs - PhD. in Government Sciences and Politics / Master in Public Opinion and Political Marketing

Puebla, Mexico

  • Awards

2016 competition for the Rachel Tanur Memorial Prize

Deadline: 26 January, 2015

2016 Graduate Student Essay Competition On Electoral Integrity

Deadline: 29 February, 2016

Global South Award

Deadline: 1 April, 2016

Francesco Kjellberg Award for Outstanding Papers Presented by New Scholars

Deadline: 1 April, 2016

Stein Rokkan Travel Grant Award

Deadline: 1 April, 2016

Juan Linz Prize

Deadline: 1 April, 2016

Prize of the Foundation Mattei Dogan awarded by the International Political Science Association for High Achievement in Political Science

Deadline: 1 April, 2016

Karl Deutsch Award

Deadline: 1 April, 2016

Wilma Rule Award

Deadline: 1 July, 2016

  • Quick Link:

IPSA Website

IPSA Portal

International PoliticalScience Review

International Political Science Abstracts

World Political Science

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