IPSA-METU Summer School for Social Science Research Methods

September 9-20, 2013
Graduate School of Social Sciences
Middle East Technical University (METU)
Ankara, Turkey

The IPSA-METU Summer School for Social Science Research Methods runs from September 9 to 20, 2013. The Summer School is presented by the Graduate School of Social Sciences at Middle East Technical University (METU) in collaboration with the International Political Science Association (IPSA). IPSA continues to support the development of political science by building academic networks linking East and West, North and South. It has helped establish several summer schools on research methods in social science in various parts of the world, including Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa. The IPSA-METU Summer School will be the first of its kind in Turkey. It also marks a first for the Middle East, North Africa and Eurasia. The school gives graduate students and new professionals conducting research in the social sciences a unique opportunity to study under leading experts on a number of research methods.

Six courses on quantitative and qualitative methods are offered, and Summer School courses are open to graduate students, academics in the early stages of their career and professionals interested in receiving theoretical and practical training in these methods. Because these courses offer rigorous training on a full-time basis, registration is limited to one course. Courses are given on week days for a period of two weeks. This enables participants to attend both lectures and practical sessions. The schedule also includes one-on-one sessions in the form of office hours. This allows students to review their individual projects with instructors. Detailed course descriptions as well as short biographies of the instructors are available on the website. In addition, participants will be invited to take part in talks led by the instructors, and career development sessions will be offered on such topics as “How to Draft a Research Proposal” and “How to Publish.”

Since it was founded, METU has established itself as Turkey’s leading international research university both in terms of the depth and scope of its international ties and the funds it generates through international research projects. GSSS at METU offers 54 MA and 22 PhD programs across various disciplines, including interdisciplinary programs. GSSS places a strong emphasis on promoting dialogue and debate in the social sciences through workshops and lecture series. The Summer School reflects METU’s overall mission to support excellence in graduate research

For more information: http://sbe.metu.edu.tr/about-ipsa-metu-summer-school