IPPA launches its first-ever Book Award for Public Policy

Public policy book award

We are seeking nominations for the International Public Policy Association (IPPA) book award. This award celebrates the best original research effort in a volume-format contribution to the field of public policy published in English between 1 Jan 2015 and 31 December 2016. The award-winning volume will be celebrated with a dedicated panel at the ICPP in Singapore. 

The jury for this award is made up of

  • Claudio Radaelli (Chair, University of Exeter, UK)
  • Laura Chaqués-Bonafont (University of Barcelona and IBEI)
  • Chris Weible (University of Denver, USA)

Nominations should be sent to this email: icpublicpolicy@gmail.com

Deadline: 15 February, 2017

Terms of Reference for Book Award:

  1. Book Award Nominations – IPPA accepts both self-nominations and nominations. All nominations must contain the title of the book, the date of publication, the publisher and the ISBN number. We will not consider book in languages other than English in this first edition of the award.
  2. Nominations must be supported by a motivation letter no longer than 500 words.
  3. All nominations and self-nominations are done via the website, do not send hard copies of the book or files to individual members of the jury, unless requested.
  4. Contents: nominations should include a PDF file with the table of contents. In the case of self-nominations, please send two core chapters in PDF format.
  5. There is no restriction on the age of the author(s).
  6. Type of books: all kind of books are eligible (including methodological contributions) provided that they address significant dimensions of public policy analysis. The nominations should clarify the original research effort attributable to the author(s) contained in the volume.
  7. Textbooks, edited volumes and second-third editions of previous studies are not eligible.
  8. Timing – Only books published between 1 Jan 2015 and 31 Dec 2016 are eligible.
  9. JURY – Nominations will be examined by the Jury. For this edition of the award, the jury is made up by three colleagues (Claudio Radaelli, Laura Chaquès-Bonnefont, Chris Weible).
  10. Deadline for nominations via email: 15 Feb 2017.