International IDEA / EIP 2016 Electoral Integrity graduate student essay competition

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) and the Electoral Integrity Project (EIP; Harvard University & University of Sydney) call for submissions for the 2016 Electoral Integrity graduate student essay competition on electoral integrity.

The award will be presented to the author (or authors) of an outstanding graduate student essay written in English, based on the paper’s significant contribution to the theory and practice of electoral integrity.

The theme for this year’s essay competition is in line with a workshop on electoral integrity held prior to the 2016 IPSA World Congress in Istanbul. This workshop is titled “Contentious elections, conflict and regime change”.

Global concern about contentious elections has risen as elections have spread worldwide, becoming a standard part of the initial phases of peace-building and state-building processes even in inhospitable conditions, such as in Afghanistan, Libya, Nepal, and Iraq. This competition welcomes papers that seek to examine and explain the consequences of contentious elections and election-related conflict for regime stability and change.

Application instructions: Submissions must be received by Monday 29 February 2016, papers are welcome from students enrolled in a graduate program. 

Papers are welcome from students enrolled in a graduate program (at Masters Level, Doctoral Level, or equivalent) in 2015 and/or 2016 at an accredited university, regardless of gender, age, nationality, race, ethnicity, or citizenship. Co-authored papers will be considered for the award, but only if all authors were/are graduate students during 2015/2016. The winning paper will be selected by a three-person award committee. 

The award recipient will be notified in April 2016.

Award details: The author (or authors) of the winning paper will receive an award of US$750 and a further award (up to US$1,000) for the costs of attending the award ceremony at the pre-IPSA Workshop on Electoral Integrity in Istanbul in July 2016. The award recipient will also have the opportunity to present their paper at a relevant policy-makers conference (to be determined in consultation with International IDEA). 

Application submission: Please submit applications by email to