Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI) Barcelona Summer School 2014

  • Summer School in International Politics 2014

* Authority and Legitimacy in Global Governance (Prof. Nico Krisch, ICREA-IBEI) – June 30 / July 3

* New Approaches to Global Governance and Regulation (Prof. Walter Mattli, University of Oxford) - July 1 / 4

 * In Search of a European Demos (Prof. Juan Diez Medrano, Universidad Carlos III - IBEI) – June 30 / July 4

 * Debating Human Rights (Prof. Jack Synder, Columbia University) - June 30 / July 4

  • Summer School of the Mediterranean 2014

 * Islamists and the “Arab Spring” (Dr. Omar Ashour, University of Exeter) – July 7 / 11
* North Africa: Change or Continuity (Prof. Saloua Zerhouni, Mohammed V University Rabat) - July 7 / 11
* The New Middle East: Redefining Political and Societal Dynamics (Dr. Eduard Soler, CIDOB; Lurdes Vidal, IEMed) – July 7 / 11
* The Mediterranean as a Geopolitical Process: Adaptation to Overlapping Crises? (Prof. Pere Vilanova, Universitat de Barcelona - IBEI) - July 7 / 11