IBEI Assistant Professor 2017 - International Relations

The Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI) invites applications for a full-time tenure-track position in International Relations. We are particularly interested in recruiting someone with a special interest in the area of international security or global governance. The successful candidate is expected to start in September 2017. A five-year contract will be offered. A performance review for tenure will normally be undertaken at the end of the fourth year, or potentially earlier for candidates who already have a strong publication record.

Candidates must have a Ph.D. degree, and must show a promising record of publications in peer-reviewed journals and/or major scholarly presses. They should have obtained their Ph.D. degree in the five years prior to their application. Excellent inter-personal skills and an ability to contribute to collaborative research projects are also essential for this position. Assistant Professors are expected to teach in IBEI’s Master’s degree programmes (teaching in English) and to participate in IBEI’s activities and research programmes. 

Applications must be submitted by December 20, 2016. Applicants should send a letter of interest; a complete curriculum vitae; a sample of previous research (two papers); an outline of a proposed research agenda; and two letters of recommendation. Please send these documents by e-mail to Mr. Carlos Sanchez, research coordinator at IBEI (csanchez@ibei.org). 

The Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals is a graduate teaching and research institution created by five universities in Barcelona (the University of Barcelona, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Pompeu Fabra University, the Open University of Catalonia, and the Technical University of Catalonia). IT supports research in the fields of international political economy, international relations, international security, foreign policy and comparative politics. IBEI is an equal opportunities employer. Further information about IBEI and its Master’s programmes can be obtained at http://www.ibei.org