IBEI - Call for Papers - Barcelona Development Conference 2017

Call for papers An International, Interdisciplinary Conference sponsored by the World Society Foundation 

Development in the Face of Global Inequalities

May 11-13, 2017

Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals, Barcelona, Spain

The organizing committee will develop sessions based on the pool of submissions it receives and group related papers into thematically connected panels. Instructions for submission of abstracts and paper drafts September 30: Deadline for submitting abstracts. Please send a 300 word paper abstract to barcelona2017development@gmail.com 

October 31, 2016: The organizing committee will give notification of acceptance for abstracts.

January 5, 2017: Deadline for scholars who wish to be considered for a hospitality grant. Please submit a draft paper (8,000-10,000 words) based on your accepted abstract to barcelona2017development@gmail.com

January 31, 2017: The organizing committee will send out the initial program and notify recipients of the 30 hospitality grants. Authors whose abstracts were accepted but whose papers was not chosen for a hospitality grant or who decided not to submit a paper draft are strongly encouraged to attend the conference based on other travel funds available to them.

Please check for updates at http://globalinequalitiesconference.weebly.com/