How the far right and the man-sphere spread their agenda: the case of gaming communities

Autor principal:
Pablo Esteban Romero Medina (Universidad de Granada)
Sesión 4, Sesión 4
Día: jueves, 8 de julio de 2021
Hora: 09:00 a 10:45
Lugar: Online

As the XXI century develops it´s starting to become clear that video games are conquering
their positions not only as the mainstream cultural product but also as a powerful tool to
present political ideas. Even developers are starting to work with governments to design new
products and new strategies of political propaganda.
They are not only important because they influence the way of how young people view the
world and learn about different topics, but they are also responsible of creating new online
communities who let anonymous people connect which others worldwide thanks to the
Internet. Platforms like Youtube or Twitch have made possible the rise of new public figures
with millions of fans around the world thanks to their ability to play video games and their
charisma to entertain an audience. All of this generates a new elite who can influence their
audience, to express to them their ideas about the world and how it should work.
This last one phenomenon is the focus of our study who search to understand how political
forces such as far right-wing can influence a whole new part of the population who normally
doesn´t care about politics thanks to these news figures and spaces. This paper will focus in
studying how political ideas are spread by Twitch and the role of streamers in spreading an
ecosystem of far right-wings ideas.

Palabras clave: Far right; Twitch; Political discourses; Political theory