Four Post-Doctoral Research Associate Posts for project on “Latin American Antiracism in a ‘Post-Racial’ Age”

Application deadline 1 September 2016

Four researchers are needed to work on an ESRC-funded project, titled “Latin American Antiracism in a ‘Post-Racial’ Age, directed by Dr Monica Moreno Figueroa (University of Cambridge) and co-directed by Professor Peter Wade (University of Manchester). The project starts on 1 January 2017 and is of 24 months duration. The project will hire four Research Associates, two based in the University of Manchester and two in the University of Cambridge. Each Research Associate (RA) will carry out 4 months of preparatory work in the UK, followed by 9-10 months of fieldwork research in one of Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador or Mexico. The RA will return to the UK for 10 months of analysis and writing in Manchester or Cambridge. The fieldwork will be led by the RA (working with the guidance of a local co-applicant and with support from a local research assistant) and will involve investigating organisations and individuals working in the field of anti-racism (including multiculturalism, racial-ethnic rights, affirmative action, etc.), using ethnographic and interview methods, as well as the analysis of legislation, texts, audio-visual material, etc.

For more information, see the job adverts and further particulars available at:


See also