European Cooperation in Science and Technology COST Action IS1203
In search of transcultural memory in Europe (ISTME)
Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs)
Call for Applications
(Please note the dead-line for applications: March 14, 2013!)
The Research Network In search of transcultural memory in Europe invites applications for six short term scientific missions (STSMs) in 2013.
These Missions (Exchange Visits) are aimed at supporting integration and networking activities by allowing scientists to go to an institution in another COST Country to foster collaboration and/or to learn about new research methods not available in their own institution. They are particularly intended for young scientists.
The Research Network In Search of transcultural memory in Europe is a COST[1] funded Action that aims to go beyond the nationally oriented memory studies and tendencies to reify the bond between culture, nation and memory. Instead we investigate the transcultural dynamics of memory in Europe today. Studying how memories of the troubled twentieth century are transmitted and received across Europe, the Network explores the tension between attempts to create a common European memory, or a unitary memory ethics, on the one hand and numerous memory conflicts stemming from Europe’s fragmentation into countless memory communities on the other. Drawing on recent theoretical insights that point to the importance of memory migration, mediation and new media the Action seeks to develop new methods for studying and comparing effects of memory transmission over cultural borders. The Action aims to develop European memory studies theoretically and methodologically by focusing on transculturality, agency and reception - and to contribute to finding ways of accommodating memory conflicts (further information on the Network’s aims and organization on the COST website:
STSMs can vary from one week (5 working days) to three months and up to six months for Early Stage Researchers (less than PhD + 8 years). Applicants must be engaged in a research program in an institution from a COST country which must have accepted the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of the Action concerned. The average contribution for a mission is a fixed grant based on the applicant’s budget request and the decision from the assessment committee. The total of a STSM will normally not exceed EUR 2 500 up to 3 months (or EUR 3 500 for Early Stage Researchers – above 3 months).
The Applicant must use the on-line registration tool to register their request for an STSM (see
The following information has to be encoded with the registration:
1. the Action number;
2. the title of the planned STSM;
3. the start and end date;
4. the applicant's details, including key academic details and workplan;
5. the applicant’s bank details;
6. the host institution’s ;
7. financial data (amount for travel and subsistence).
After encoding the information via the on-line registration tool the system will issue a formal STSM application which has to be downloaded and sent by the applicant electronically (by e-mail as attachment) together with any necessary document which the applicant may regard as helpful in supporting the application at the evaluation process (such as CV, full workplan, list of publications, motivation letter, letter of support from the home institute etc.) to:
• the future host institution of the STSM;
• Tea Sindbæk, e-mail:
Please note the dead-line for applications: All the application steps must be completed before March 15, 2013.