ECPR panel: "Bad times to win: elections in Southern Europe in times of crisis"

Estimados todos:

Os animamos a que presentéis vuestras propuestas de paper para el panel “Bad times to win: elections in Southern Europe in times of crisis” en la próxima ECPR General Conference (4-7 de septiembre, 2013).

Más abajo, encontraréis más información, así como el link a la sección “The Consequences of Crisis for Southern Europe”, en la que se encuentra el panel. El plazo para enviar propuestas es el próximo 1 de Febrero.

Un saludo a todos,

Irene Martín y Elías Dinas

  • European Consortium of Political Research Conference
  • 4-7 September, 2013, Bordeaux


ECPR Section:     The Consequences of Crisis for Southern Europe

Panel:        Bad times to win: elections in Southern Europe in times of crisis

The elections of May 2011 (Cyprus), June 2011 (Portugal), November 2011 (Spain) and May and June 2012 (Greece) have taken place in a similar context characterized by a deep economic crisis, economic intervention (or the threat of it), high levels of disaffection towards the political elite and unprecedented protests. The next Italian elections that will, in principle, take place in April 2013 will likely be affected by similar circumstances.

Some aspects have appeared in all or some of these elections that are worth being analyzed in a comparative perspective, in order to distinguish common patterns due to the crisis from others specific of the national context: lower turnout levels, the deep erosion of the incumbents, the fast erosion of their successors, lower support for bigger parties and higher support for smaller (sometimes new) parties, the appearance of antisystemic parties on both sides of - or outside - the traditional ideological spectrum, the convergence of economic proposals on the supply side, the higher influence of economic factors on electoral results…

At the same time, there has been a generalized activation of protests in all these countries. The movements behind the protests have, in most cases, articulated discourses in which the role of representative democracy and elections has been central. However, the content and radicalism of these discourses has been different and, therefore, its expected impact on voting, if any, should have been different as well.

This panel will invite papers analyzing electoral results and their aftermath under the light of these factors. The panel is especially interested in comparative papers, although in-depth country analyses will also be considered.

Panel Chair:           Irene Martín, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (

Panel Discussant:    Elias Dinas, University of Nottingham (

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