ECPR Graduate Student Conference 2014. Panel: Citizenship and identity in Europe; S03 Comparative Politics

3-5 July 2014

Innsbruck University

Panel Chair: Daniela Vintila (Spanish National Research Council) and Marta Paradés (Autonomous University of Madrid)

Call for papers

The deadline for submitting a 150 word abstract is 18 January, sending an e-mail to Daniela Vintila ( and/or Marta Paradés (

Abstract: Citizenship represents, without any doubt, one of the most controversial concepts in political science. A key dimension of this notion is related to individuals’ identification with the political community. This panel seeks to address different implications of citizenship and identity in both civic and affective terms, to highlight the potential relation between these two concepts particularly in the context of the European Union and to question the extent to which the recent economic and political crisis challenges citizens’ sense of belonging towards the polity. The panel welcomes papers of quantitative or qualitative nature. Comparative studies are especially encouraged.