Critical Studies on Security - CFP - Vertical Insecurities

Across the social sciences and humanities, the past decade has witnessed a resurgence of research interest in the vertical dimensions of sovereignty, territoriality, and control. Vertical geopolitics is increasingly positioned as a site in which emerging strategic, material, and discursive formations are productive of power-relations that mark key developments in security, militarisation, environmental protection, and citizenship. Moreover, the focus on the vertical dimensions of power has spurred innovative research that unpacks the material, discursive, and embodied dimensions of security.

Given the on-going importance of the vertical--whether framed as skies, height, space, air, bunkers, tunnels, or undergrounds--to contemporary security practices, Critical Studies on Security invites submissions concerned with Vertical Insecurities. While we are open to submissions on any topic related to Vertical Insecurities, we are particularly interested in papers that address any of the following themes:

1) vertical insecurities produced by the use of remotely piloted air systems in surveillance and war-fighting

2) the vertical insecurities of rendition

3) the vertical insecurities of migration

4) the normalisation of vertical insecurities engendered by technologies such as satellites, GPS, and drones through consumption and ludic practices

5) effects-based targeting

6) the senses, embodiment, and vertical insecurities

7) vertical insecurities and the subterranean

8) novel forms of weaponisation and protection produced through vertical insecurities

9) vertical insecurities and the environment

We welcome submissions from across the humanities and social sciences that are grounded in critical cultural, geographic, legal, political, and social approaches to security. Papers for our consideration should be a maximum of 8000 words including bibliography and notes.

Submission Instructions

All Papers can be submitted online here:

Please read the instructions for authors before submitting your paper.

Editorial information

  • Editor: David Mutimer, York University, CanadaEditor
  •  Shannon  Stettner Managing Editor

Critical Studies on Security

Published by Routledge for York University

YCISS, 7th Floor YRT. York University. 4700 Keele Street. Toronto, Ontario Canada, M3J 1P3



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