Convocatoria de una Plaza de Profesor Visitante en Ciencia Política - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

The Department of Social Sciences at Carlos III University in Madrid is advertising two fixed-term visiting professor positions in political science and economic history.
Salary: Base salary of tenured professor (profesor titular). Options to additional salary supplements offered by UC3M and based on productivity and excellence.
Teaching: 140 contact hours. In some cases, it's possible to concentrate teaching in 1-2 courses.
Starting date: January 2025.
Duration: 2 years.
Application materials: cover letter, CV, two letters of recommendation, and evidence of teaching effectiveness.
Deadline: June 24th. However, applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled.
The department encourages applications from candidates that enhance the diversity of the department along gender, ethnic origin, and area of specialization.
For further information, please see attached files. You may also contact the Departmental Chair, Associate Professor Pedro Riera (