Convocatoria de beca predoctoral para el proyecto "Value change on beginning and end of life issues" - Universidad de Deusto

Human Rights: Ethical, Social and Political Challenges
Edurne Bartolomé Peral
Deusto Valores Sociales is a research team in the Univeristy of Deusto, a research unit with large experience in Research and in training PhD candidates. This research team is located at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the University of Deusto and focuses on the study of values and its implications for the society, vulnerable groups and welfare State and democratic governance
Background (Ma level) on any field of social sciences (Sociology, political science, international relations). Knowledge on research methods and more specifically quantitative data analysis.
Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)
The Project is framed in the Europe-wide project of European Values Study, analyzing the evolutions and major shifts in individuals´ values in several domains, democratic governance, materialist-postmaterialist values, gender roles, religion, morality, work-related values, among others. People´s values, social reality, current trends of opinion and social behaviour can be explained according to socio-demographic characteristics and shifts in economy and (post)modernization. Effects of individual values and religious beliefs might differ across countries. We study how values and beliefs influence attitudes towards the beginning and end of life. This project has a double scope. 1) Studying the effects of modernization and current technological developments on value systems in comparative perspective by using the theoretical approach of Beginning and End of Life issues by addressing relevant personal value domains and sociodemographic characteristics. 2) Analyzing this phenomenon from relevant contextual factors (political, religious, welfare related) influencing attitudes. An existing research network has been working for this purpose with researchers from different European countries. Therefore, the general research objective is to deepen into the consequences that major technological improvements in medicine and science have in citizens´ values and how the rapidness of this improvements is fostering and matching value change on beginning and end of life aspects.

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