Convocadas plazas doctorado por el Departamento de Ciencia Política de la Universidad de Gotemburgo

The Application for Doctoral Studentship Positions in Political Science 2017 is now open!

The Department of Political Science announces 5-8 doctoral studentship positions (PhD)

The positions are fully funded for four years and the doctoral students are employed by and located at the Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg. The doctoral studentship (PhD) positions will however have different specializations:

  • 3-4 positions are are associated with the Quality of Government (QoG) Institute.
  • 1-3 positions are associated with one of two projects: Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) and Governance and Local Development at Gothenburg
  • 1 postition is associated with the Centre for Collective Action Research (CeCAR)

The application will be online, and is open between December 5, 2016 and  February 7, 2017.

Those admitted to the Doctoral programme will start September 1, 2017.

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