College of Europe. Full scholarship opportunities for students from Spain wishing to specialise in European Neighbourhood Policy

Apply now: full scholarships for graduates from Spain to study at the College of Europe and specialise in European Neighbourhood Policy

The deadline for the submission of applications is 31 January 2015.

The College of Europe is offering a large number of full scholarships to university graduates from Spain for post-graduate studies at the College of Europe during the academic year 2015-2016. They are reserved for students wishing to study in detail the relationship between the EU and its nearest neighbours.

These scholarships cover academic expenses, accommodation, and meals.

The College of Europe founded in 1949 in Bruges (Belgium) and in 1992 in Natolin (Warsaw – Poland) is the oldest and most prestigious institute of postgraduate European Union Studies.

The selection procedure includes the following stages:

1. Candidates are requested to visit the website of the College and check the necessary information under 'Postgraduate Programmes' and 'Admission': admission requirements and language requirements.

2. Candidates have to register and apply online.

3. Candidates have to submit the online application form including the requested documents (cf. application instructions).

4. Candidates will need to indicate on their application that they would like to receive an ‘EU-ENP scholarship’ and indicate their motivation to study the European Neighbourhood Policy.

Those interested should submit their application form before 31 January 2015. After selection by the study departments at the College of Europe, preselected candidates will be invited for an interview.

More information about other scholarships can be found here.

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